Sunday, November 30, 2008

Smoke in the Microwave

Wednesday night was the first night of the Thanksgiving break for the whole family. The kids were home all day and I had Thanksgiving, Friday, Saturday and today off from work. I enjoyed the long weekend and I think I made the most of it that I could. I didn't do any major house repairs but did spend a lot of time with the kids and even brushed Lori's hair. Of course, I brushed it after I "braided" it and left in tangles.

I balanced the checkbook. The level of depression caused by balancing the checkbook was greater than difficulty of the task itself. It took me two hours to balance it correctly. In other words, I went to bed feeling depressed.

Back to the main point of this blog posting, Wednesday night we had pasta, meatballs and sauce for dinner. Lori added Italian sausage to the sauce and the kids had a fit. They swore that the sausage changed the flavor of the sauce and complained as they ate. They are too picky, in my opinion. Later, Evan was hungry and wanting to eat more of the garlic bread that we had with dinner he put some in the microwave wrapped in a paper towel. We were all in the living room when I smelled smoke. Lori was baking pies for Thanksgiving and she swore nothing was burning. Then suddenly she smelled it just as I ran into the kitchen when Evan said, "Oh no." The kitchen was full of smoke and it was coming from the microwave. Evan opened the microwave door and smoke billowed forth in an eye watering, cough inducing, and nasal burning cloud.

I picked up the charred and smoking paper towel and tossed it outside on the deck where it smoldered and finally burned out. I opened windows and aired out the house. Later I boiled water with oranges in the microwave and cleaned it out; it still smells like smoke when used.Evan felt really bad.

He wasn't yelled at nor scolded. We just told him to ask about how long he should set things in the microwave if he isn't sure.

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