Friday, December 5, 2008

Week Update

I usually spend my Friday's sleeping after getting the kids to school. Today, I went to work and got 10 hours overtime. I was getting a little annoyed and frustrated at work, but I kept my head level and cool, and got through the day and actually got some work done. Throughout the day, I continued to remind myself for whatever I did I was getting paid time and a half to do it, whether I talking to someone, using the restroom, sneezing, coughing or actually working. Jenn was there, but she wasn't working as line support, Nicole was. Nicole is nice and cute, but she is only 23 years old. Jenn is 32, cute and she is my friend. I would call out Jenn's name, she would look at me and I would mouth, "I miss you," or "you are the best." Jenn and I have a good working relationship. She mouthed back, "awwww" Jenn and I have a good working relationship. I was surprised to see my supervisor at work today. He was sick on Thursday, so I actually thought I could work two days in a row without seeing him, but there he was. Nicole wasn't happy to see him either; I can't speak for Nicole only for myself and for myself I have to say that people skills is a growth area for my supervisor.

I have an on-line friend who leads a Bible Study. The group she leads seems to like her and her and her style of Bible Study leadership, however, she feels ill-equipped to lead them. The best spiritual leaders are the ones who understand their weaknesses and don't dominate but facilitate discussions. Bible Studies are about getting people to think, open their minds and let The Word of the Lord speak to them. Asking open ended questions is an excellent way getting the class to really think. I e-mail her questions that she could ask the class.

General Motors has no idea of how to run their company, in my opinion. Last week they dropped their orders and now they have increased them. All this week we were told no more overtime, then on Thursday I worked to 6:30 and then I worked all day today, Friday. It is hard to run a business when your customer's orders resemble a Yo-Yo in motion.

Tonight is beer night for Lori and me. It is late and we are feeling no pain whatsoever. I am watching Seinfeld, the best in timelessness comedy. I am going to watch "Fringe" in a little while. This week was not very exciting.

Adam wanted to get our Christmas Tree tonight, but it was cold and dark. I didn't want to go back out. We are going to get tomorrow in the morning. The kids gave us their Christmas lists. Nathan was the funniest giving as a very dramatic prelude to his list and then only coming up with four items.

Fringe is calling me. The worst part about working Fridays is not being with the kids in the morning. The funniest part is coming home and hearing Lori asking me why I am home early and if I am still working tomorrow. She was thought today was still Thursday

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