Tuesday, November 18, 2008

These are interesting times.

I am not sure what will happen first; will the American Economy collapse and bring about harder times than the Great Depression of the 1930's or will Global Warming cause flooding and freezing over the Great Lake region? We very well could see the Artic Ice Cap melt for the first time in recorded History and for the first time in American History will we have an African-American President. Yes, African-American, Obama was born in Kenya. At least, that is what McCain camp claimed and I will side with them because Sarah Palin is just so darn cute!

We are all tense at work wondering what will happen if the Big Three go under, especially General Motors. I work for Johnson Control Incorporated who got their start making thermostats for climate control systems. When Ed Prince died his wife Elsa sold the company to JCI. JCI was making seating systems and car batteries at the time and found themselves in the automotive interior business.

Well, thanks to NAFTA most of that business was outsourced to Mexico and Canada, and I was unemployed for nine months. Anyway, here were are faced again with the possibility that our jobs may go away if GM goes bankrupt. Worrying about it won't secure employment for anyone. It is hard to make plans for another job when no one knows what jobs will be available.

What if Congress bails out the GM? They won't run the place any differently. The boys club will still give themselves big salaries while playing nice with the UAW. How many more jobs will they outsource to foreign countries if GM gets the bail-out? We may never know. Besides, if GM does get the bail-out they better hope it happens before Obama gets into office.

If Obama walks the walk of the talk he has been talking, then he could very well insist on pay caps on the upper managers. He wants to share the wealth so it makes sense to me that he would want to put some restrictions on how tax payer's money is to be used. Professional Athletes have a salary cap then why shouldn't CEOs, COOs, and CFOs have salary caps if tax dollars are paying their salaries?

So, we could see the end of the American motor industry and the North Pole ice cap during the Presidency of Barak Obama.

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