Friday, November 28, 2008

Feasting and double blood drain.

Thanksgiving Day began with Lori and I watching TV, channel and web-surging and then falling asleep on the couch together with her head snuggled on my chest. After watching "Robot Chicken" channel surfing for a little while and checking e-mail once again, Lori asked me if I wanted to watch the latest, "Fringe" episode. She had already viewed the episode; I hadn't, but she said she was willing to watch it again. She cued it up on my laptop and soon I was seeing double and nodding off to sleep. I woke up enough to shut down my laptop and soon Lori and I drifted away together to dream land and that is how the early hours of Thanksgiving Day greeted us.

Around 4am we got off the couch brushed our teeth and went to bed. Dinner was scheduled at 2pm at my mom's house. It was after 10 am when I woke up put on my running pants and went to kitchen to make coffee. Soon after, Lori came in to the kitchen and offered to make eggs for the both of us. She followed my one piece of cooking advice and greased the pan with butter rather than non-stick spray; butter makes them taste better. She made scrambled eggs with cheese and she made hash browns out of left over tater tots. I made peanut butter toast for Lori. I actually didn't make it she put the bread in the toaster, I just spread the peanut butter on her toast. I made toast with peanut butter and honey. I prefer honey to marmalade, also I prefer marmalade or preserves to jelly and I prefer jelly to jam. I will conclude this useless and boring information by saying, I don't like jam.

Nathan had cereal; Evan had eggs, Adam never told me what he ate. I think he ate cereal but he eats it dry. I gave Evan and Nathan showers, then I took my own shower. We left the house around 12:30; Adam drove. We went to get gas at the South side Family Fair. I used the discount tickets that we got on our grocery receipts. I wasn't paying attention and lifted the Diesel fuel nozzle from the pump, not even thinking or aware what I was doing. It took much longer to fill the Buick up with gas than it usually does because of repeated blunder of not paying attention.

I called my mom on Lori's cell phone and told her that we were running behind. The good part was that we were close to US-31 and Adam set the cruise control to 75. I told him that he had to speed to get us to my Mom's house in time for Thanksgiving dinner. He was upset about that, however, he did comply. He played his latest compilation CD on the way there.

We unloaded Lori's four home baked pies from the trunk and upon seeing my laptop in the trunk as well, Lori looked at me and rolled her eyes. I did use it later, but not for very long. I wanted my brother-in-law to trouble shoot the Internet Explorer error I keep getting. He wasn't sure what it was. He and Evan were playing an adventure game on his laptop.

We got there and dinner wasn't ready, yet. The sweet potatoes and the rolls never got heated through. So, why was I in a mild panic? The turkey was delicious and was stuffed with onions. The dressing was cooked separately, which is the healthiest way to prepare dressing. We ate dinner and the kids went outside to play. We football fans watched the end of the Lions game. It was very entertaining to see the Lions get beat by so much. My brother-in-law Bob was greatly disappointed that the Titans didn't make a field goal at the end of the game and make their score and even 50 points. They could say they scored one point for each state in the union on Thanksgiving.

The kids watched Kung Fu Panda and we didn't leave foe home until 9 pm. We got home and we all stayed up late. I finally watched "Fringe" and Lori and I were again falling asleep on the couch. at 3 am, that most interesting hour, I went to bed and tried to get Lori to join me. She talking in her sleep so I left her there.

I woke up still feeling full from yesterday. I had a blood donation appointment at 1 pm. I ate a bowl of cereal and drank a liter of water, took a shower and went to Peace Lutheran where the blood drive was happening.

Back in August I gave a unit of whole blood. My blood pressure was 108/82. My pulse was 82. My iron count was 15. The Red Cross Nurses asked me if I wanted to donate red blood cells, it is a double donation. I had never done it before. I have O positive blood which is in high demand. So, they pumped out a unit of whole blood, and the machine separated the red blood cells from the white blood cells. Then it purged the line from my arm to the machine. Then it repeated the process and then pumped the plasma back into me.

It was something new for me.

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