Sunday, October 5, 2008

Walking and Watching

Saturday mornings are wonderful for sleeping, and that is exactly what I did yesterday morning. I slept until 9:30 and made coffee. I rinsed the pot and cleaned the parts, expect that I forgot to put a filter in the basket and coffee ran all over the counter in a steady stream toward the sink. I dumped out the coffee and cleaned the basket again and started all over.

Lori told me about this new show on the Fox Network that she wants to watch called "Fringe." Apparently, my mom and step-dad are watching it as well. So, if I want to stay in the loop I had to get caught up quickly; the show airs on Tuesdays. So, I watched about five hours of TV on my laptop. The show is produced by, Abrams, the same producer of "Lost," one of our favorite shows.

Don't think I spent the entire day watching "Fringe" and gazing into my laptop screen, because I watched most of the Michigan game. U of M started the game well but Illinois thrashed them soundly. It was sad to watch. I am am avid fan so I watch as much as time allows. Dinner was ready before the game was over. But, alas, I did not see the final blow to what was once a strong football program that had a long winning streak over Illinois.

Before the game started. i took Evan and Nathan for a walk. Evan wanted to walk on trails and Nathan wanted to go the Nature Center. I decided to take them to Riley Woods. They liked the footbridge but were disappointed in the natural woods trails. The Nature Center has wooden paths making it accessible to wheelchairs and strollers.

We walked down the yellow trail and then backtracked back to the bridge. There was a father and son fishing in Riley Lake/Pond. Really, it is too small to be called a lake, but calling that body of water, Riley Pond probably isn't as dramatic as Riley Lake. The kids like drama too. They would parent that there were bad guys in the woods and Nathan would shoot at them with his cap gun. He didn't have any caps so he only annoyed the sparrows.

Nathan got tired and had to rest on a fallen tree for awhile. But, once we got back to the "Lake" he wanted to walk around it. Evan wanted to wait by the bride. Evan and I were sword fight; he with his plastic Captain Jack Sparrow sword and me with a stick that I using to draw maps on the ground to show the kids where we were.

Evan wanted to wait by the bridge as Nathan and I walked around the "lake." Evan joined us by walking around the opposite way. We then walked across the footbridge and to the Blazer.I got home after the kickoff, but I was able to see Michigan make their first touchdown.

As I am writing this, I am watching Crucifixions on the History Channel. Before that, Lori and I watched a show on Nostradamus. I should finish reading his book. Penn of Penn and Teller made a really good point. Where were the Nostradamus experts on Sept 10, 2001 warning us about the attacks? These experts always see the prophecies after the fact.

The History Channel experts claim the Jesus died of a heart aneurysm. That would explain how he was able to cry out just before he died. Jesus was one of many victims of that cruel and humiliating death.

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