Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Feeling Better

Sunday, after church, I was feeling a migraine coming on. I took ibruprophen and drank some coffee and ate a sandwhich. Later in afternoon, I took the boys to Timbertown to feed the ducks. Nathan really wanted to feed the white duck again. Canadian Geese had come in droves. Can flocks come in droves? Don't know for sure, but there were a lot of them there and more arrived while we were there.

After all the old stale bread was gone, the boys wanted to play in the Timbertown park. I was not feeling energetic and I just wanted to sit and relax. We were in there about five minutes when Nathan said he had to use the bathroom. So I walked ahead of him up a small hill to the flush toilets near the ball park.

As I got to the door to the men's room and smelled smoke. Nathan said he didn't smell anything. It smelled like burring wood. I opened the door and the restroom was filled with thick smoke. We went further inside to see what was burning and the smoke burned our eyes.
I took him to the other side and told him to use the women's room. He was uncomfortable with that, but I told him I would stand guard at the door. When he was finished Nathan wanted me to fix the men's room. His words, "fix it, get the smoke out."

I propped the door open with the Rubbermaid Trash Bin from the men's room, and waited for about 10 min. When the smoke cleared, I went back in there and stomped out the fire. It was made with three roles of toilet paper, a pack of cigarettes and box of candy. My head was really starting to hurt at this point. I was able to manage. The boys played for about an hour. Adam went to the Blazer by this time and Evan wanted to go home. Nathan was still having fun, but I told him we had to go anyway. He wanted to go back to the restroom and so we did. It was much better but still smelled like smoke.

Nathan took his time getting back to the Blazer; a white dog really got his attention, and not me, his Dad. We got home, had dinner, and I went to bed. My head was hurting. The migraine had kicked it full tilt and I was feeling pain and dizziness. I slept from 8 to 5:30 when the alarm went off. I could barely move and felt like I was going to vomit. I ended up vomiting, in a most horrible way around 8 am. Although the pain was no longer in both sides of my head, the pain in the left side was still strong. The pain, which I thought would be cut in half, only dropped about a point, from a 10 to a 9. I stayed in bed all day, only to get up to drink, eat and use the restroom.

Tuesday morning wasn't much better. The pain remained the same and wasn't showing any signs of dropping. I stayed in bed, at it wasn't until 5pm that it was finally manageable. I went to work today, late. Migraines like this leave me weak and feeling tired. I went to work late, but I worked until 6:30. I should be able to work Saturday, which will make up for most of the lost hours.

Not really an exciting way to start the week. It must have been the smoke that put me over the edge. My mom talked to me for 37 minutes on Tuesday, that made me feel a lot better. I told her that I did eat. I had cereal for breakfast around noon. Lunch was at 7 and I had a bowl of chicken vegetable soup and a toast with peanut butter, Jiff Extra Crunchy with honey. and for dinner, a bowl of oatmeal and a banana. I ate healthy.

I called the doctor to get a different prescription because Maxalt just isn't working. He wants me a diet which avoids excessive caffeine, sugar and chocolate. I only drink about 3-4 cups of coffee a day. I rarely add sugar to anything, and only eat chocolate about twice a year. I just need a more effective medicine.\

I am off to bed.

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