Friday, October 10, 2008

Another Friday

Last night was our weekly pizza and Survivor night. Usually we pick up pizza from one of many pizza chains the populate the North Side of Holland. There is only one locally owned and operated pizza take out place near us, but they have limited items. Last night, Lori brought home frozen pizza. The kids ate their fill and their own complaint was that there weren't any hot wings nor were there bread sticks. Oh well, kids, learn to do with less until the money situation gets better here. Speaking of which, I am working Sunday and getting paid double time, I told Pastor Mark that I wasn't going to be there on Sunday.

Speaking of Pastor Mark, yes I was; it was contrived but I was talking about him. I met with Pastor Mark this morning to work out an Evangelism Budget, actually an advertising budget. I agree that we need to advertise, but there is no way the budget committee will ever approve the $7,000 budget I complied. But, I am aiming high.

Because I met with Pastor Mark at 10 am I did not take my morning walk through Riley Trials. I did get Adam and Evan on the bus. Evan was in a good mood and very co-operative. Adam got dressed at the last minute. The bus had to wait for him. I woke Nathan and he ate Peanut Butter Toast and drank a glass of orange juice for breakfast. He got dressed and I drove him to school. I came home, made coffee ate a bowl of cereal, took a shower and got dressed.

How exciting my life is! Isn't these mundane actions of our lives that define who we are or at least anchor us to reality. We all eat, drink, and sleep. But our individuality is best expressed in when in how we shower, dry off and brush our teeth. Everyone has their own technique and style. I will you spare you the details how I wash myself and hair and rinse and towel dry my physical body.

I forgot to take the trash out last night! I usually take the trash bin to the street (we don't have curbs in the suburbs) when I take those large cardboard pizza boxes to the trash. The frozen pizza boxes are smaller and thinner so the trash bin wasn't spilling over and I told myself to take it out later. I failed to remind myself to do that later so it didn't get done. I didn't think of it until I heard the garbage truck and then it was too late.

I arrived at church shortly after Lori got there. I gave her a 10 min head start, by drinking another cup of coffee and pulling up the heals of my Nike's that go squashed from my laziness of putting them on without untying them first. She must have stopped somewhere along the way. I wanted to to all the research in Pastors office so I could give him the information as I complied it. But, the Internet Signal was weak in his study and I had to move to anther room.

I used Lori's phone, the one in her office, to call Yellow Book and AT &T yellow pages. I was able to talk to Ashley at Yellow Book and get the rate for the ad we wanted to run. Ma Bell, (can we still call AT &T Ma Bell?) no? well I will anyway. Ma Bell tried to transfer me to the appropriate representative, but ended up back at the main menu and had to try again. A different person told me that the man I was trying to talk to doesn't work for them anymore so, they finally I was connected to a local rep. He phone rang and all I got was her voice mail. I left her a message to call me, but she didn't. Ma Bell indeed!

I deposited a check at the bank after I left church, and then came home and ate lunch. I had a sandwich and chips while watching The History Channel. I love that channel. It was their show on pirates. It was fun and very informative. Hmmm teaches and delights--that is how William Wordsworth defined poetry? Why yes it is. I love answering my own questions.

I told Lori that I wanted to grill something for dinner. She suggested getting Sizzler's from Bob's Butcher Block. She said four. I got there and told the guy four. I pointed to four. The guy and I got to talking about how good their Sizzler's are and somehow, as I recently discovered I only came home with three. He only charged me for three. I asked for four.

I folded and put away socks while listen to a CD of Buzz songs. Then I read for a while. In between my mom called and Lori came home. I put all the dishes in the dishwasher. Wow! this is a thriller blog episode. I went to pick up Nathan just as the phone rang; it was the High School telling us that Adam left school early so he could walk to the Performing Art Center. It was long walk. Why the school couldn't transport him is beyond us. He will have to ride with someone or Lori will have to drive him. Walking is out of the question; if he doesn't like making the props for The Music Man then maybe he shouldn't do it.

Right before I left to get Nathan I saw a large Praying Mantis on the slider. I didn't want to catch it but I knew the kids would want to see it. Lori said that I should close the screen on the outside and trap it for them. I did. It reminded me of when we trapped a mouse the same way.

I got Nathan at school just as I pulled onto the road, he said, "you have to go back. I forgot my prize." So, I pulled in a guy's driveway and had to back out onto the busy road. Nathan and I went back to his school and walked to his classroom where he found his sucker inside his desk. We said goodbye to his teacher, again, and came home to find that Evan caught the Praying Mantis in the bug box.

I picked Adam up at the Performing Arts Center and came home and started the grill. I was bout half way into grilling the Three Sizzler's and the four frozen sausages when Lori's dad wanted me to come over to his house and talk to me. Imagine me rolling my eyes. Anyway. I listened to what he had to say and came home to a warm dinner. It was still delicious

Some days, I think, not much happened at all, But, perhaps even in the most usual Fridays I can find drama, excitement and something to remember. That Praying Mantis is four inches long. Evan and Nathan wanted the sausages more than the steak. Funny how somethings work out anyway.

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