Sunday, September 21, 2008

Summer's last day.

I woke up this morning headache free.

The alarm went off at 5:30; I asked Lori several time to turn it off and she kept hitting the snooze. Finally around 6 am I got up turned on the light on the bed stand next to her and turned off the alarm and went back to bed. My watch alarm went off at 8:25 and I slept until 8:40 and then rushed to get ready for church. Did I mention that I was headache free? This was the third day in a row of waking up headache free. I have had a headache every morning for the past four months.

I was a little rushed getting to church but I made it in time. Al, the head usher, saw me running into church and held the door for me so I could sit next to Pastor before the prelude ended. He asked me how I was, and I told him I was doing better. I told him that I am taking Prozac at night and that helps me sleep better so I wake up more refreshed.

The Kyrie, which is Greek for Lord, the shortened form of Kyrie Eleison which means Lord have mercy is one of my favorite parts of the liturgy. As the assisting minister it is my part to lead. It is usually song, but I don''t have a good singing voice and I get too frustrated. So, I spoke the leader part as a meaningful prayer.

As the service continued I felt a joyful rush flow over me. I know it came from God. When I offer the chalice to those who prefer to drink from it, I usually say their name followed by, "The Blood of Christ shed for you." Today, there were about seven people in a row who were chalice drinkers and not intinkters. Then, there was a lady who was visiting today. I did something I never had done before. I asked her, "What is your name?" She said, "Elizabeth." Then I said, "Elizabeth, the Blood of Christ shed for you." She smiled.

The service ended and I felt wonderful. I stayed late and recorded last weeks attendance and transcribed Pastor's sermon on my other blog.

I got home and asked the boys if they wanted to feed the ducks at Timbertown. They said yes and I drove them all there. It was 77 degrees and hazy on Summer's last day. After feeding the ducks, Evan and Nathan played and Adam wandered around and went back to the truck and reclined the seat as if he were taking a nap.

Evan and Nathan got hot and we came home and I cranked up the air conditioning in the Blazer.

Soon after we got back, Lori and I went shopping at Family Fare and D&W. She needed Shallots and Family Fare didn't have any. While she was preparing dinner she discovered that one Shallot was rotten so I had to go back and get another package of them.

I relaxed in the hammock and watched gulls glide over my head and squirrels gather acorns in the yard and in the trees.

Dinner was good--Grilled Lemon Chicken Fettuccine.

I am off to bed. Goodbye Summer.

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