Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Feeding Ducks and Dinner as Autumn begins.

Sunday after I came home from church around 1 pm; I stayed late to do the attendance sheets and transcribe pastor's sermon. As soon as I changed my clothes I asked the boys if they wanted to go to Timbertown and feed the ducks. I took all the old stale bread that we have been storing in the outside refrigerator. The boys were excited about feeding the ducks, they enthusiastically climbed into the Blazer and we headed out. Adam didn't want to drive because it was a short distance. Nathan wanted to feed the white duck and told Lori before he left, "I am going to feed the white duck and make sure that he gets bread to eat."

The white duck does stand out but when we got there we didn't see just one white duck, but three. Geese look like evolved dinosaurs; two of them, a male and female I suppose (are there lesbian ducks?) were hissing at me. They were standing on the grass near the pond looking mean even after I tossed bread at them. Nathan the fearless made a light charge toward all the ducks and the two geese that were on the grass and all the water foul retreated into the pond.

Surprisingly, there were many gulls there as well. Evan tossed a large piece of flat bread at one Mallard who caught it with half of it hanging out of his bill. One gull chased after that Mallard. It reminded me of the scene in Finding Nemo where the seagulls are saying "mine, mine, mine."

Nathan chased all the birds into the pond after all the bread was gone.

Monday work was grueling. That is all I want to say about it. I get frustrated with the incompetence.

I got home around 6:45 and had a meeting with Brenda from the Mission Investment Fund at 7. I called her confirmed our meeting, showered, dressed and met her at The Holiday Inn Express. I rode in her rented car to Peace Lutheran and gave her the grand tour of the building. She liked what she saw and said, "it is a lot larger in the inside than it looks on the outside." After the tour we got back into her Hertz rental and asked me where I wanted to eat. She said, "you can pick anything just don't say Apple Bee's." She used the word platitude to describe chain restaurants. It must have been the word of the day for her because she used it again that night. The funny part is she noticed it herself.

I didn't tell her the name of the restaurant, rather, I gave her directions. When saw the name of the place, Crazy Horse Steakhouse, she really lit up. Brenda's words: "this place requires a beer." Spoken like a true Lutheran.

Lori complains that money is given to support the ELCA and part those funds are used on expense accounts. To our defence, I have to say throughout the dinner we talked about Peace Lutheran and fund raising and motivating church members to give more. She had some really great ideas such as Faith Promise statements.

Dinner was delicious and we each had a Miler Lite. Brenda was impressed with the service, the quality of food and the quantity. She is coming back in November and wants to go there again.

It was a great way to start Autumn.

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