Thursday, September 25, 2008

Here comes Friday!

There is something about Thursday knowing that I have three days off that really motivates me. Work is like a circus a lot of excitement that doesn't go anywhere. I have to give them credit, there is a lot of creativity in the methods they invent to make parts fail testing.

I got home showered and Lori ordered and picked up Pizza Hut for dinner. Tonight was the season opener of Survivor and that means pizza night. Survivor was a two hour episode and I posted messages at Survivor Sucks. I haven't done that in at least two years.

This season Survivor looks rather entertaining. The Fang tribe is having a hard time getting their game together They voted out a very attractive woman, Michelle who thought the rest of the group was acting stupid, which they were.

It will be interesting to watch this season. Not the brightest players ever assembled.

Anyway, tomorrow is my turn to take Nathan to school and I will stop by Riley Trails again and take a walk. I am drinking cheap Chablis while hanging out downstairs with Lori. Family Guy is on. This has become our late night favorite even more than South Park.

In other news, will the "bail out" happen? Will John McCain make another appearance on Letterman? Why is America fascinated with Paris Hilton? We may never know.

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