Saturday, March 10, 2007


If truly the weekends were made for Michelob, then I am certainly in the collective right to be drinking one right now, and I am!

It was in early September 1999 that we had Nathan's baptismal party at our house. It was a beautiful warm late summer day and I served Michelob. I knew it was the one beer all the beer drinkers, and there were a few of us, would all enjoy.

My Step Dad liked Bud back then, my sister's husband likes heavier imports, my wife's father likes richer micro brewery lagers, my wife's brother likes a variety of beer but at the time Rolling Rock and Foster's were his favorites. I like the Canadian beers, Molson and Labatt. Yes, Labatt is a Pilsner and the only North American Pilsner at that.

I miss the old shaped bottle as seen in this photo, but it tastes just as good as it ever did. Although, I did find two six packs at the Wesco station that had more traditional shaped bottles.

I took all three boys to the pet store and they delighted in seeing all the animals and petting the resident cat there, Tuxedo. After our brief visit we ate lunch at McDonald's in Zeeland and the younger two played in the tube maze they have there.

While they played my eldest son walked around outside and I read the first chapter of a study book on the Psalms and read several Psalms.

The depth of Psalm imagery comes alive in the Revised English Bible. Several images found in the New Testament, especially in the book of Hebrews come from the Psalms. It shows how the Psalms truly connect us to the past, present and future.

It greatly enjoyed my time there reading, studying and praying while my children played. My wife was able to have some quality quiet time at home.

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