Friday, March 9, 2007


The original title for this post was "Putting the Cart Before the Horse." But that old trite proverbial phrase has been so over used that there was no one who would read this post. Ha! I can sure make myself laugh--no one is reading these now. Well, maybe someday. I can always dream.

In any system or group there is room for improvement, and in a work place improvement is necessary for profit. In a church congregation improvement is about spiritual growth. The worst action any leader in either a business or congregation can take is to tell a department or committee to stop and wait until a new improvement is in place. Telling them to wait is dysfunctional and is putting that proverbial cart before the horse.

The better method is to tell them to keep going as they are until the new change is implemented and then train or teach them the better way. Never stop. Moving forward if even in the old and lousy way is better than stopping and waiting for the new and improved way.

Stopping because the method you are using needs improvement is like going naked waiting for the new style of clothes to come to your favorite store.

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