Thursday, March 22, 2007

Spring Two

I am working on a Press Release for the Step It Up campaign that is happening here in Holland. My Pastor has an unique sense of humor, and wants to create a slogan based on TULIP, the 5 points of Calvinism. I like Calvinists; I do not care for Calvinism. The five points are:
Total Depravity
Unconditional Election
Limited Atonement
Irresistible Grace
Perseverance/Preservation of the Saints
We are working on our own version of this. He has seen a writing gift in me and is encouraging me to write news articles and press releases for our congregation.
If you believe in an election of the damned, the reprobate, then you see no problems in TULIP. If you believe that God wants all to be saved and come to the knowledge of the Truth then you might have a problem with TULIP.
The Step It Up campaign is a nationwide rally to stop Global Warming. Al Gore started it. You know the former Vice President. He served with Bill Clinton, Hillary's husband. You have to remember him. I know, most of you have short attention spans, but you can remember more than eight years ago, can't you? The film is called An Inconvenient Truth. Al Gore was doing his Power Point slide presentations around the world when a documentary director thought it would make a great film. An Inconvenient Truth won The Academy Award for Best Documentary.

Well maybe all you homophobes didn't watch it because Ellen DeGeneres hosted it. That is just sad if you did. So what is she is a lesbian? There have been lesbians since before Sappho wrote her poetry. How did I get on this subject?
Oh yeah, Al Gore at the Academy Awards. There is a seriousness about Global Warming and we should do something about it. So here in the Tulip City we are, and a group of Lutherans are making it happen, and we aren't homophobes either.

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