Saturday, December 6, 2008

Getting a Christmas Tree

We had a lot of plans this for today, shoveling the driveway, grocery shopping, moving living room furniture and getting a Christmas Tree. Lori and I woke up late and had a leisurely breakfast. We drank coffee and loafed around in the living room. Neither of us were feeling motivated to do very much. We laughed at ourselves for making plans and rapidly executing them as fast as snail making it's way through a garden.

I have seen large California snails when I was 12. I was visiting my great aunt and uncle for a month. One morning I woke up early when I was staying with them and stepped on several snails that were in their garden. I can honestly say that snails move slowly, because I have seen them.

So there we were this morning sitting in the living room sluggish as snails. Lori suggested that I use the snow blower she got from her grandfather's estate. It isn't that I didn't know how to make it work, I just didn't think we had enough gasoline. I really need more exercise so, I decided I would shovel the driveway, it took me less than hour. The snow about eight inches deep but very light and powder like. It took me less than an hour to shovel the whole driveway. While I shoveled, Lori showered and cleaned the kitchen. She went to the grocery store, while I showered, dressed and watched TV with the kids. Adam and Nathan were watching "Total Drama Island", and Evan was watching The Pink Panther.

When Lori came home, Adam and I unloaded the groceries. Later, Lori vacuumed the living room and made room the Christmas Tree. Then we loaded up into the Blazer and I drove the whole family to the tree lot to purchase a tree. What else would you do at a tree lot? Have a snowball fight, perhaps. Nathan took his cap gun and ran around the trees in the snow. It was his way of spreading Christmas cheer. It was cold. I think we find the coldest day in December to buy a Christmas cheer. We wanted a Blue Spruce again this year and I found a really nice one. The guy at the lot tied it to the top of the Blazer while Adam and I chased Nathan back to the Blazer.

Lori drove us off to eat at a restaurant. Evan wanted to eat at Tres Lobos, I suggested Beechwood Inn because it was a little closer and we haven't been there in a long time. The kids agreed to go, except Evan who was upset. He was so upset that he was shutting down and wouldn't order anything to drink. He said he wanted the seafood platter. Lori broke down and ordered it for him. He ate the Perch, the Lobster tail, and the Shrimp. Lori and I split his stuffed Crab. Lori and I got the Swiss Steak. She ate a salad and I had chili. Adam got a burger and Nathan ordered Cheese Quesadillas. He didn't like it because it was made with a Mexican blend of cheese. He is too picky.

We got home and Adam helped me set up the tree it the garage so some of the snow will melt off the branches. We then watched "Santa Claus is Coming to Town," and "Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer." The kids went to bed and Lori and I stayed up. Adam drove Lori on a midnight beer run. I am off to bed soon.

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