Sunday, March 1, 2009

Stir Crazy

I can't blame the boys for feeling restless today. We haven't had any warm weather in months, or so it feels like it. Today the air temperature didn't get above Fahrenheit degrees. It isn't weather for kids to go outside and play for an hour or two. They got on each other's nerves as well as Lori's and mine.

There were moments where they were all quite golden. Last night when I took Evan to Meijer and Best Buy he was golden. He thought of his brothers and was very patient. He was fun to be around. Then today he was restless, agitated and screeching when he didn't get his way.

Nathan was in a fiesty mood telling us many times that he was bored and he wanted to do something fun. Lori explained that she is not an entertainment director. She feeds them, clothes them, and helps maintain a roof over their heads, but she is not here to provide fun when there is a housefull of toys, books and games.

Evan and Nathan both had showers tonight. That helped them feel better and Evan, Lori and I watched latest Mummy Movie. I hope this cold snap breaks soon.

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