Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Jabez was gay.

I didn't make it to church on June 22. Apparently Pastor Mark preached on the fallacies of the Jabez prayer literature. I never even heard of it until he said something about it. So, I looked it up in the Bible. Jabez's name means "Ouch!" He was large and caused his mother a lot pain when he was born. No father is mentioned, which means he was a fatherless child. There is no mention of a wife. He prays for a larger farm and for protection from harm. I think the man was a homosexual. He needed a larger border and safety to keep from getting killed. He was an abnormal in many ways. large, single and frightened. So, today, I think he would be seen as a gay farmer. I know that isn't what the book about the Jabez prayer is all about, but think of the twist this brings to that gospel of prosperity.

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