Saturday, July 26, 2008

Beer Tasting

My step father is not happy with Anheuser-Busch, INC. This is the same man whose CB handle in the 70's was "Budman." After he retired he switched to Michelob and really enjoyed the Premium Lager. Well no that Anheuser-Busch, INC. is no longer American owned he wants to permanently switch again. So, we are here taste testing several different beers, and yes we have to suffer tasting MGD, the weakest and most watery of the bunch. Feel sorry for us as we have to finish off the six pack.

Thus far we have tasted Molson Canadian, Michelob, MGD. Future tests will include, Sam Adams, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Miller High Life, Leinenkugel, Blatz, Coors, Schlitz, Labatt's Blue and Stroh's.

We have not scheduled the tasting event as of yet.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Jabez was gay.

I didn't make it to church on June 22. Apparently Pastor Mark preached on the fallacies of the Jabez prayer literature. I never even heard of it until he said something about it. So, I looked it up in the Bible. Jabez's name means "Ouch!" He was large and caused his mother a lot pain when he was born. No father is mentioned, which means he was a fatherless child. There is no mention of a wife. He prays for a larger farm and for protection from harm. I think the man was a homosexual. He needed a larger border and safety to keep from getting killed. He was an abnormal in many ways. large, single and frightened. So, today, I think he would be seen as a gay farmer. I know that isn't what the book about the Jabez prayer is all about, but think of the twist this brings to that gospel of prosperity.