Thursday, June 21, 2007

Getting Ready to Write

Every writer goes through painful steps to write. When the writer can't think of anything new to write he can easily slide into a depression that makes him think that he isn't worth much at all. But, now I feel inspired again to write. My Church's web page is getting close to being reconstructed and I want to make something new for it. I am going to type my notes from Pastor Mark's recent sermons and create a link to them.

Over Father's Day Weekend I got a really good sunburn. I know I should have used sunscreen. In fact, I put some on, but it was too late. I am beginning to peel now nothing like skin pain combined with itch to make me want to have one or two of those in the above image. Also, I have an itchy rash from poison ivy. And, for two weeks I have been struggling with migraines, they have been mild attacks but just enough to slow me down and make me a little crabby.
Today is the first day of SUMMER! I love summer. I met with two newer members of our congregation to find out their story and to develop my own skills for working with people who are joining our congregation. Did I mention that it is the first day of summer?

I didn't do anything really summery this year, like to go the beach or walk outside. I did however pray with the younger married couple who joined our congregation about two years ago. I am reading Koren Zailckas's book Smashed and loving it. I just e-mailed her and told her so.

I wonder if I will hear back from her.

Anyway, I am off to another blog.

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